Tuesday, 10 March 2020

Blogging – Musings & Thank You

I love my blog. It’s a record of my sometimes turbulent but most joyful writing journey. Sharing my experiences, in the hope that they may help others stay positive in a world full of ‘No’s’, and celebrating the positivity of the writing community, makes me feel like I’m giving something back.

I’m always amazed that people take the time to stop and read my posts, (as after all I’m not published) and it’s gives me so much validation when I’ve lucky enough to be included in Nick Cross’s ‘SCBWI’ ‘Words and Pictures’ ‘Blog Break’, each time temporarily alleviating my feeling of Imposter Syndrome.

Sometimes I don’t blog for months, other times I have a flurry of posts as inspiration hits. But I write many more blog articles than I actually post. I only post the ones that I think maybe of interest or use to others. Whereas I write lots if post that are too personal, but they help me. These posts help keep me grounded and passionate about my writing. They help me to straighten out the mangled threads of thoughts in my head, de-tangling them and organising them. Helping me to make decisions about what concepts to work on, which first draft to start editing, or when and how to submit a project. 

For me blogging is an integral part of my writing journey, it’s a log. A way to keep in touch with the wider writer community. Plus it's a therapeutic way to keep my brain uncluttered and keep me positive. 

So, if you are struggling with the journey to publication and don’t blog, I encourage you to pen some blog posts. You don’t need to share them; they are just a good way of staying positive and working through complex thought processes. 

Also, I’d like to say a massive THANK YOU to everyone who has supported my blog over the years (8 so far), by reading, commenting, contributing and sharing. Thank you for helping me say focused and positive.

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