Tuesday 10 September 2024

September - Be Kind to Writers and Editors Month. A guide to spreading kindness…

September - Be Kind to Writers and Editors Month. A guide to spreading kindness…

I just learned that September is the official ‘Be Kind to Writers and Editors Month’! Now I firmly think writers and other creatives within the business should be treated well all year around, but what a lovely thing, to think here is a official month dedicated to our welfare!

Every month I try to support other pre-published writers by sending them postal affirmations, (read more here), but here are some tips on other ways to be kind to writers and editors, many of which don’t cost a penny!

Ways to be Kind to Published Writers

  • Buy their book!
  • Load out their book from the library (they receive a small sub od money for each time the book lent.)
  • Leave a review online. (you can review a book on Amazon, even if you didn’t purchase it there).
  • Do a shout out on social media.
  • Recommend it to a friend.

Ways to be Kind to Pre-Published Writers

  • Ask about their WIP Work in Progress.
  • Give them time to write.
  • Ask if they need anything to assist with writing: highlighters, post-its, caffeine, chocolate, hug.

Ways to be Kind to Editors (and Agents)

  • Thank your editors and tell them how grateful you are for their help whipping your manuscript into shape.

Ways to be Kind to Writers – Published and Pre-Published, Editors, Agents (anyone in the industry)

Send them…

  • Cake.
  • Chocolate.
  • Caffeine.
  • Wine!
  • A kind word.

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